2pm -6pm | Individual Acupuncture - By Appointment | Auricular Acupuncture utilizes reflex points to improve blood flow to injured areas, release muscle tension, and activate the body's natural pain-killers. Targets pain, injuries, withdrawal discomfort (especially from opiates) and calms an over-active nervous system. |
2pm- 6pm | Individual Acupuncture - By Appointment | Auricular Acupuncture utilizes reflex points to improve blood flow to injured areas, release muscle tension, and activate the body's natural pain-killers. Targets pain, injuries, withdrawal discomfort (especially from opiates) and calms an over-active nervous system. |
12pm-2pm | Private Event |
TBD | Meditative Journeying- Tonglen Style | Guided meditation to transform stress into usuable fuel for living. |
10am – 1055 am | Good Morning Yoga | Yoga builds on a 5,000-year-old wellness tradition that emphasizes strength, balance, flexibility and mental focus. Join us for Contemporary Hatha Yoga which encompasses breathing, grounding, asanas and mindful meditation and you will leave alert, relaxed and rejuvenated. |
630pm - 730pm | Partner Dance Yoga Class by Zen Monkey- last Friday of the Month | sign up at |
6pm-9pm | First Friday Open House Mixer | Join us on the First Friday of each month for an Open House with drinks, snacks, tunes and (of course) acupuncture demos and specials! |
4pm-7pm | Community Acupuncture Groups | Community acupuncture groups are done in open-area bays and make a great mini-introduction for folks new to acupuncture and is cost effective for those needing frequent visits. |
TBD | Meditative Journeying- Tonglen Style | Guided meditation to transform stress into usuable fuel for living. |
6pm-715pm | Sunday Restore Yoga | Yoga builds on a 5,000-year-old wellness tradition that emphasizes strength, balance, flexibility and mental focus. Join us for Contemporary Hatha Yoga which encompasses breathing, grounding, asanas and mindful meditation and you will leave alert, relaxed and rejuvenated. |